Diagnostic Solutions GI-MAP Test

The GI tract is home to an entire ecosystem of microorganisms (known as the microbiome), living in a symbiotic relationship with its host.  These microorganisms do far more than just reside within us – they are essential for life and health.  They are responsible for many important functions such as vitamin synthesis, hormone production, immune system regulation, and communication with the neurological systems of the body.  More than ever before, medical research has established a link between health benefits and disease risks brought about by these microorganisms.  Diseases linked to the imbalance of the microbiome include, but are not limited to, IBS,autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, GERD, allergies, and, obesity.

The GI-MAP test uses DNA technology to most accurately measure

  • Levels of healthy bacteria
  • Pathogenic bacteria
  • Parasites
  • Yeast
  • Viruses
  • Inflammation
  • Gut immune function
  • Digestion and absorption

Test Instructions

  • Stop aspirin (if approved by the prescribing physician) for 2 days prior to the test.  All other medications and supplements, including probiotics and digestive enzymes can be continued.
  • Take the test kit home from Wellness ReSolutions
  • Mail the completed kit into Diagnostic Solutions with the enclosed FedEx Clinical Pak on a Monday – Thursday.  Do not mail the kit in Friday or Saturday.
  • Schedule a review appointment for 2-3 weeks after mailing in your sample

Cost (As of August 2017)

  • $400.00 paid to Wellness ReSolutions for the kit and review appointment.  There is no additional payment to Diagnostic Solutions or billing through your insurance.



6740 Perimeter Drive
Suite 300
Dublin OH 43016



614 733-9737

614 707-4377